Saturday, February 19, 2011

Topic # 2 Planning process for egg game

            At the beginning of the competition started, our group were not organized well maybe we have more group mates than the others. But by that we also have more ideas of planning. Just few minutes later , one of our teammate gives us a good idea and that’s the final function also it works.  We are discussing how can be the best way to save device, and make it works. But some of the group mates are not really following that then we just put that away and listen for more ideas. We send people to check the devices and see which of our function can works, and we need to vote for function which we think can be success.
            We all focus on how man straws we have and do we have enough tape? I think the 20 minutes planning for our group is a little short because we have too many different ideas. But we try our best to do these. First we all know that we should use 20 minutes to find out the best way to achieve the goal what we understand. And next we should work on the function we choose and spend another 20 minutes to make sure the egg get well protect. I think our group did well on the step three, because we have more than three different ideas, and it is hard to decided use which one.  We started to vote just choose one we believe that will works. We didn’t do well on the next two steps. Because we are in hurry, we only have ten minutes left to finished the job. Because after we choose the idea we don’t know how to make that works, and use 5-10 minutes to figure out that. We finished that just before everyone line there, we just wait there and we forget to give a name of the egg, some of the team mate just come back by the professor said times up.  Then we have loses our opportunity to finished this competition.  But in the end, we have chance to try and it really works. Even we didn’t get full points, but we feel good. I like this game, it definitely a very interested game and we do learn things by the game.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry for you guys, but i think the professor was trying to emphasis that time issue was very important in the management.
